Study on Oxidative Leaching Kinetics of Sphalerite in Acid Solution under Pressure STUDY ON ENCAPSULATION OF SULFUR ON OXYGEN PRESSURE LEACHING OF SPHALERITES 闪锌矿氧压酸浸中硫包裹问题的探讨
Based on one-dimensional insulation flow theory, the analytical solution of pressure drop for salt cavern under blowout is obtained. 根据一维绝热管流理论解析得到井喷情形下储库卸压规律。
Conclusion: The method of the improved fixative solution and pressure dehydrate is more effective than others and that is a effective method for to paraffin slices of rat eyeball crystal exemplar. 结论:此改良固定液和加压脱水法优于其它方法,是适合大鼠眼部晶状体标本石蜡切片的一种有效方法。
Study on Oxidative Leaching Kinetics of Sphalerite in Acid Solution under Pressure Study on Electro-chemistry Flotation Behavior of Lead-zinc-iron Sulfides with DDTC as Collector 硫化锌精矿加压氧化酸浸动力学研究乙硫氮体系中铅锌铁硫化矿的电化学浮选行为
Numerical Solution of Pressure Field in the Submerged Unfree High Pressure Water Jet 高压淹没非自由射流压力场的数值解法
Numerical solution of pressure underwater flow in curvilinear coordinates 4. 2-D flow and sediment transport model with non-staggered curvilinear grids is presented. 闸下有压渗流的边界拟合坐标变换数值解(4)二维水流泥沙数值模型,采用非交错网格布置,所有计算变量采用同一控制体。
Differential Equation and Its Numerical Solution of Pressure Transient in Transient Areas of Axial Piston Pump Cylinder with Damping Ports and Effect of Compression in Closed Volume 具有减振孔和闭死压缩效应的轴向柱塞泵油缸在过渡区压力过渡的微分方程及其数值解
Application of finite-element method to the solution of pressure field of filling in injection molding 有限元方法在注塑流动压力场求解中的应用
Numerical Solution of Pressure Distribution for Multi-Component Airfoils in High Subsonic Viscous Flow 多元翼型高亚音速粘性流压力分布数值解
The continuous ion-exchange reaction kinetics between NaY zeolite and RECl_3 solution under pressure in a helical tubular coil apparatus has been investigated. 在螺旋管反应装置上研究了混合氯化稀土与NaY分子筛在水溶液中的加压连续离子交换反应动力学。
Determination of Tolerance Ability of Platelet to the Change of Solution Osmotic Pressure and Its Significance 血小板对溶液渗透压变化耐受能力的测定及其意义
Semi-analytical Solution of Pressure on Spillway 溢流坝面压力分布的半解析解
The influence of the feed concentrations and the pressure of solution on the modules performance were investigated. The results showed that the great solution pressure was unadapted to the permeability of air of oxygen enrichment. 考察了涂膜液浓度、涂膜压力对膜组件性能的影响,发现过高的涂膜压力不利于组件富氧空气通量的提高。
They are: 1. Viscous slip corrosion; 2. corrosion caused by micro-deformation 3. corrosion caused by activated geothermal water along fault; and 4. corrosion in solution under pressure. 它们是:1.粘滑溶蚀作用:2.微观形变溶蚀作用:3.断裂活性热水溶蚀作用:4.压溶溶蚀作用。
METHODS The solution pressure was predicted by solubility parameter theory, the extraction conditions were confirmed by orthogonal design in which temperature, volume of modifier and dynamic extracting volume had been studied in three levels. 方法用溶解度参数理论预测丹参酮IIA的溶解压力,再用正交设计法考察温度、改性剂量和动态萃取体积三因素对SFE萃取效率的影响。
Based on a viscosity amendment model of gas flow in micro-gap, squeezs gas film damping effect on micro plates is investigated. An analytical solution of pressure distribution, the squeezed film damping force and damping coefficient on the surface of the micro plates are obtained. 基于微缝隙气流的粘度修正模型,分析了气体对微圆盘的压膜阻尼效应,得到微圆盘表面的压强分布、压膜阻尼力和压膜阻尼系数的解析解。
CELS ( Coupled Equation Line Solver) algorithm, which is based on the simultaneous solution for Pressure and velocity along lines, has successfully solved many flow problems. 求解不可压流体耦合方程的直接解法(CELS算法),在许多计算问题中体现了其优越性。
This paper gets polymer solution osmosis pressure formula of the different conditions from different point of view and reveals Donnan equlibrium. 本文从不同角度导出了在不同条件下高分子溶液的渗透压公式的表示形式,揭示了Donnan平衡原理。
In this paper, when the oxide powders were synthesized by hydrothermal salt solution pressure relief, it can be found that the particles are linked together each other at the certain principle, forming the shape like dendrite cyrstal. 本文在采用水热盐溶液卸压技术制备氧化物粉体时发现制得的氧化物颗粒之间按一定的规律连生在一起,形成类似于枝蔓晶的生长形态。
A new method for the solution of pressure build-up after well shut-in 求解压力恢复理论公式的新方法
An exact solution of pressure and displacement of a mine shaft situated in viscoelastic rock is obtained using the correspondence principle of the linear viscoelasticity theory. 本文利用线性粘弹性的对应原理得出了关于粘弹性岩石中井筒的井壁压力及位移的理论解。
IMPES method is used to convert the mathematical model into a numerical model for an implicit solution of pressure and an explicit solution of saturation. 应用IMPES方法将数学模型转换为隐式求解压力、显式求解饱和度的数值模型。
Considering that a key problem of well testing analysis is to determine the characteristic of pressure variation, an exact solution for pressure distribution in an infinite formation is presented which is expressed in the form of multinomial. 文章针对产量呈多项式变化的情形,给出了无限大均质地层中压力分布的精确解。
Different membrane-forming conditions, including solid content and temperature of solution, filling solution pressure, the pressure of coagulation bath, the velocity of first roller, the velocity of winding up have different influence on the properties and structure of membrane prepared from blend polyether sulfone. 研究了不同成膜条件,包括铸膜液中总固含量、铸膜液温度、填充液压力、凝固浴温度、第一导盘速度、卷绕速度等对聚醚砜膜结构与性能的影响。
A Solution of Pressure Drop Caused by the Prominence Using the Mirror-Image Method 用镜像法解突体后的压降问题
Base on result studied, high-concentration polymer flooding and surfactant solution decrease pressure of injection and increase ability of injection was studied at the same time. 同时,结合这些理论进行了高质量浓度聚合物驱油方法、表面活性剂降低高浓聚合物注入压力实验研究、高浓聚合物矿场低压注入方案研究及效果评价等具体工作。
According to the character of slow transient of the wet nature gas pipeline, the analytic solution of pressure and mixed flow rate are worked out by means of neglecting the inertial item and adopting linear coefficient. 针对湿天然气管道工况变化具有慢瞬变的特点,通过忽略惯性项和引入线性化系数后,得到了压力、混合流量变化的解析解。
Whereas, the solution with pressure method has certain feasibility, which is valuable to deeply study. 其中,溶液负压法有一定的可行性,是值得深入研究的方法。
The effect of coating weight, delivery speed of coating solution, pressure of spraying and coating temperature on coating efficiency, appearance and humidity resistance of coated tablets and dissolution were investigated and optimized using Orthogonal Design L9 ( 3~ 4). 选用正交设计L9(34),考察包衣增重、喷液流量、喷雾压力和包衣锅温度对包衣效率、包衣片外观、耐湿度和溶出度的影响,优选包衣工艺。